
When it comes to Guardianships, there is one thing that is pretty much universal: Nobody wants a Guardian appointed over them. They would rather avoid a Guardianship at all costs!
If a Probate Court Judge appoints a Guardian for you, you become a legal "ward" and lose all rights to make decisions for yourself. That stinks! Sometimes a Guardianship is necessary though because the ward has lost the ability to take care of himself and his property and does not have the right legal documents in place. Moderate to severe dementia, brain injuries, and Alzheimer's Disease are a few of the common reasons why someone may need a Guardian.
Even if you develop Alzheimer's or dementia later in life, however, it doesn't mean you have to have a Guardian. Here are 5 legal documents which can help you avoid a Guardianship:
It is extremely important to put these documents into place long before there is any question about your competency. And don't forget a Last Will and Testament. It doesn't necessarily avoid a Guardianship because it doesn't take affect until after your death. However, it is a very important document in your estate plan!
Maria Shinn has served as Guardian for minors and adult wards and has helped many families navigate the Guardianship process. Contact Maria if you have any questions about Guardianships in Ohio.