
Do you have a Will? If so, fantastic! You’re one step ahead of a lot of people. But have you looked at your Will lately?
Wills need to be reviewed frequently and revised when necessary. A Will from 20 years ago may not meet your needs today. People pass away, relationships change, children grow up, and friends move away.
Our lives are constantly changing. That’s why I recommend to my clients that they review their Wills and all of their estate planning documents every 3-4 years to see if any changes need to be made.
Don’t stop there. You should also take an inventory of your assets. Make a list of what you own, how each asset is titled, and whether the correct beneficiaries are named. Do any adjustments need to be made to fit your estate plan?
By taking these steps, you are undertaking an estate planning review. This review is very important and can give you peace of mind. If you don’t have the time or don't feel comfortable completing this review on your own, give me a call. I’d be happy to help!